Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Alexander Calder

Calder in his Paris studio, 14 Rue de la Colonie, fall 1931

Alexander Calder is one of the most famous artists of the 20th century--and for good reason, too. He revolutionized sculpture by using wire to essentially draw pictures in three-dimensional space, and is credited for having invented the mobile. Some people see nothing special in his abstract forms, but I think his work--especially his paintings--are incredibly beautiful. Obviously originals are best and signed prints are cool too, but I don't quite know what to think of unsigned prints and posters. I think collecting today is a lot like fashion--it's good to mix high and low. But a pair of Prada pants is one thing, a $2.5 million painting is a different beast. And a room with originals and prints has a different feel than a room with all prints. But I guess if it's done tastefully--good prints, nice matting, and a good frame--there's no reason why it shouldn't look okay. What do you think?

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