Thursday, July 23, 2009

Smart-looking lenses

Matt Damon in Robert De Niro's The Good Shepherd, 2006

Browline glasses comprised almost half of all glasses sold during the 1950s, but they seem to now be experiencing a resurgence. They were created in 1947 by Jack Rohrbach, then a vice president at eyeglass company Shuron Ltd. I just bought a pair of browline sunglasses on St. Marks--haggled the price down from $20 to $11 with the Indian street vendor. For those of you on a more comfortable budget, Ray-Ban has just issued (or reissued) their Clubmaster lenses, which evoke the cool sentiments of Buddy Holly, Malcolm X, Michel Foucault and other Cold War-era stars.

Kevin Costner in Oliver Stone's JFK, 1991

Denzel Washington in Spike Lee's Malcolm X, 1992

Clubmaster by Ray-Ban, $140

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